Credit Card Processing and E-Commerce Lunch & Learn

Credit Card Processing and E-Commerce Lunch & Learn

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FREE Lunch 'n Learn Seminar

Date: December 4, 2018 (WED)
Time: 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: ARCA Training Room, 4745 N. 7th St., Ste. 103, Phoenix 85014
Register: Online
Presented by: Avant-Garde Marketing Solutions, Inc.

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Today, in the United States, more than half of all purchases are made using credit cards. Therefore, it is more important than ever that you choose a payment processor carefully, as the processor you choose will handle more than half of your total revenue! Without fully comprehending the merchant service industry, business owners all-to-often choose a merchant service provider based on misinformation, exaggerations, and false promises of lower rates.


While the vast majority of business owners are confident that they are receiving "great rates" from their provider, their lack of comprehending the processing industry often leaves them vulnerable and paying far more than they would ever imagine because the industry has long-since moved away from rates and now makes the majority of their profits on an ever increasing menagerie of fees creatively hidden within complex monthly statements that are purposely designed so that neither business owners, nor their accountants, will ever really understand.

Attendees will learn what to look for when selecting credit card machines, utilizing point of sale systems and increasing their presence in the e commerce arena.

During This FREE Must-Attend Meeting You’ll Discover:

  • Credit Card Processing
    • CC industry and its evolution
    • Why take credit cards
    • How credit card fees work in general, card brands, interchange fees, and the cost plus pricing model
  • Industry and Technology
    • Roofing industry and credit cards
    • Options for taking credit cards and the technology - terminal, gateway, card readers/phone, e-commerce, invoicing
  • Plus...
    • Traditional processving vs Square/Paypal and their flate rate model
    • Sample statement showing how other processors hide rates/fees
    • Things to look for
    • Q & A time

About the Speaker

Rebecca Fitzpatrick has been an independent business consultant with Avant-Garde Marketing Solutions, Inc. since its inception 16 years ago. Her forte includes assisting her clients in widening their brand reach and income potential by setting them up with custom payment solutions including credit card processing and patented gift and loyalty card programs. But, like many business professionals, you get so much more when working with Rebecca: you get her knowledge and personal attention.

That personal touch begins with a passion for helping small businesses succeed. As part of a company’s business-development team, Rebecca strategizes on ways to help businesses cut expenses, increase revenue, and generate more sales. She continues to build her knowledge base through regular trainings to learn of the newest ways busy professionals can optimize their payment solutions. 

A native of Phoenix, AZ, Rebecca headed to southern California for college. After studying business at the University of Redlands, Rebecca moved back to Arizona and went on to pursue other interests but usually landed in the sales arena. Like so many other successful sales professionals, Rebecca sees herself as more of a solutions provider than a salesperson. Her goal is to design a custom solution for each client, which makes sense since her clients range from solopreneurs processing just a few transactions each month to businesses with hundreds of employees and millions of dollars in monthly transactions.

When not strategizing on behalf of clients, Rebecca can be found with her family: her husband of nearly 22 years and their two children (ages 21, 17). Her children are exceptionally active in school and sports, so Rebecca is often attending games and events. After the kids are settled, Rebecca and her husband are active with charity events and enjoy fine dining and wine.


December 4th, 2019 from 11:30 AM to  1:00 PM
4745 N. 7th St., Ste. 103
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Phone: 602-335-0133